The Ultimate Compendium of Top 5 Games for Bachelorette Parties

  Tips     |      2023-02-06 14:30


As the wedding season approaches, the offices of DINGFOO are abuzz with excitement for the impending influx of bachelorette parties. For those lucky enough to be tasked with the planning of these evenings filled with female camaraderie, we've got you covered with our latest offering – a list of games guaranteed to provide endless entertainment for you and your closest gal pals.

Hilarious Hypotheticals: Quiz the Groom

Before the party, gather some intriguing questions about the bride and her fiancé to present to the group. Some examples may include: "What is the wildest place they've ever gotten frisky?" or "What pair of panties does she look the best in?" The bride will then attempt to guess her fiancé's response to each query. If she's incorrect, she'll have to take a sip of her drink. But, if she's right, the rest of the ladies must follow suit.

Action-Packed Antics: Ex Charades

Just like the groom's secrets are safe from his soon-to-be wife after a wild bachelor party, the stories shared during a game of Ex Charades will remain confidential between the bachelorette party attendees. Each participant will take turns standing in front of the group, acting out a past significant other, fling, or crush of the bride without the use of words. 

Financial Fun: List Hoorah

Before the start of the party, distribute a pen and paper to all attendees and ask them to each write down two tasks they'd like the bride to complete before the end of the night. Each task will be assigned a dollar value based on its level of difficulty. Challenges could range from "getting a man to buy you a drink without speaking" to "setting up a date for a single partygoer." The bride will receive the total dollar amount assigned to the tasks she successfully completes, which will then be divided among the attendees.

Shots and Showdowns: Get the Point

Gather around a table with a shot of tequila at the center. Take turns asking silly hypothetical questions, such as "Who here is most likely to leave with the limo driver tonight?" or "Who here has had the hottest exes?" After the question is asked, everyone will point to the person they think best answers it. The person with the most fingers pointed at them will then down the shot.

Mystery and Mischief: Victoria's Secret

Get in contact with all partygoers without telling the bride and ask each of them to purchase a piece of lingerie that represents their personality. When it's time to present gifts, inform the bride that there's one last round of surprises. She'll then have to guess which partygoer purchased each piece of lingerie. Correct guesses will be rewarded, while incorrect ones will be punished.


We understand that you may not have time to play all of these games in one evening, but sending our list of these proven party-pleasers to your fellow attendees is an excellent way to establish camaraderie and create an itinerary that everyone can look forward to. So, ladies, let the good times roll!